Portrait of Carly Carey, Realtor®

Carly Carey


Nanaimo is awesome!

I have lived in Nanaimo almost my whole life and have always enjoyed the proximity to oceans, lakes, rivers and mountains! These things are all very diverse and that’s what makes Nanaimo such a special place to live.

Let’s look at the Jinglepot neighbourhood and why I live here and love it!

My backyard looking towards Mt. Benson

Weird Nanaimo Names

 Jinglepot! Let’s just start with the name, who doesn’t love a fun name that is not only a road but defines an entire area in Nanaimo? Thanks to our former “Pirate Mayor” Frank Ney, who served our community in some capacity during the late 60’s all the way to 90’s. As a developer, Frank Ney, was involved in naming many streets in Nanaimo. As you get to know our wonderful community you will notice such street names…