Portrait of Carly Carey, Realtor®

Carly Carey


Adirondack chair on private dock on lake, typical of Brannen Lake areaCamera Icon
Private Lake & Beach

Brannen Lake Waterfront Real Estate

Located in the northwestern end of the city of Nanaimo, Brannen Lake is found within the neighbourhood of Wellington. The lake itself is just over one square kilometer in size (or 109 hectares) and is known particularly for its outdoor recreation—including boating, fishing, and swimming. Waterfront real estate on Brannen Lake consists of only a select number of properties, as most of the lake's western side is farmland. Because of this, real estate is quite exclusive, offering a very private lifestyle. Contact the Carly Carey Real Estate Team for more information or click here to read more about Brannen Lake waterfront real estate.

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Waterfront Lifestyle

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Trail by Nanaimo lakefront

Brannen Lake Waterfront Real Estate Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How deep is Brannen Lake?

A: While this is difficult to say for sure, Brannen Lake is estimated to be about 20 meters (or 65 feet) deep at its center. In short, it is suitable for swimming and boating.

Q: Why is real estate around Brannen Lake limited?

A: Much of the area around Brannen Lake is designated farmland. As a result, lakefront properties are more rare than other bodies of water in and around Nanaimo.

Q: Are portions of the lake private?

A: Yes, some parts of the lake are only accessible to certain residents. Public lake access is found off of Dunster Road.

Carly Carey
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If you would like to discuss your central Vancouver Island real estate questions from Lake Cowichan through Qualicum and everywhere in between, please reach out. I love talking about Naniamo real estate and I can’t wait to meet you to discuss your next home with you.